Monday, September 7, 2009

Chocolates + Social Enterprise = Good Work?

Do you consider chocolate as one of your guilty pleasures? Well, I do. This is second most important reason for me to write this post. The first is –social enterprise. Now you must be wondering what chocolate has got to do with corporate social responsibility or good work. Even I thought the same before coming across an interesting write up about certain chocolate companies making a difference to the society by being a successful social enterprise.

While searching for sustainable food items and organic chocolates on the web, I came across a chocolate company named Divine Chocolate. This social enterprise is co-owned by cocoa farmers co-operative in Ghana. These farmers are not only 45% share holder of the company but they also receive a fair price for the cocoa they produce. We would like to consider this as a great step towards doing ethical business and being socially responsible, isn’t it?

The main aim of a chocolate company will be making profit by offering great tasting chocolates to its consumers but this doesn’t stop it from doing good work and being socially responsible. Cadbury, one of the major chocolate companies has a user friendly site with which the company tries to promote the concept of CSR. They have been doing this in order to establish communication between the company and its audiences. The need is to innovate and try new things so that the business activities not only support environmental sustainability and fair trade but also help in making a difference to the society.

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